14 Nov 2012

Te Manu Korihi News for 14 November 2012

From Checkpoint, 6:47 pm on 14 November 2012

The man who killed Maori leader, Hawea Vercoe has been challenged by a member of the Vercoe family to change his life and recognise his background; Two Bay of Plenty Maori leaders were laid to rest today following three days of mourning; Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori, the Maori Language Commission, has allocated grants totalling just over one-point-three million dollars to support the promotion of te reo; A fishing summit's heard Polynesian fishing firms should work in packs to hunt down new markets; A Ruapehu iwi is a step closer to resolving its Treaty of Waitangi grievances and is seeking a mandate from the people to represent them in negotiations with the Crown.