8 Oct 2012

Manu Korihi News for 8 October 2012

From Checkpoint, 6:49 pm on 8 October 2012

Te Papa museum in Wellington held a welcome home ceremony today for the skeletal remains of 22 ancestral Maori and Moriori, which have been housed in two Australian museums, some since 1899; The Department of Conservation in Northland held a powhiri today in Whangarei, to welcome its first ever Pou Tairangahau or Iwi Relations Manager; The Mental Health Foundation is delighted that so many health organisations that work with Maori, have organised events for mental health awareness week which began today; The Maori King, Tuheitia, today commemorated the coronation of his late grandfather 79 years ago, with a waka procession on the Waikato river.