6 Oct 2020

Doctors concerned as Trump makes big show leaving hospital for White House

From Checkpoint, 5:15 pm on 6 October 2020

In a tightly choreographed exit, broadcast live with all the angles and drama of a blockbuster movie, US President Donald Trump left the Walter Reed Medical Centre outside of Washington where he has been treated for Covid-19, and flew by helicopter to the White House.

The masked president walked unaided, pausing at the top of the centre steps to take in the scene, as cameras clicked rapid fire Donald Trump delivered a low, double fist pump before heading down the stairs, using the handrail.

He ignored questions from press, instead offering a thumbs up and a thank you as he walked casually to the waiting motorcade that delivered him to Marine One.

The chopper was tracked by live cameras as it flew the president home in fading light.

Trump's speedy exit from hospital and some of his tweets exalting his treatment and boasting his recovery have raised serious concerns among some doctors who are concerned he is downplaying the seriousness of the virus and setting a bad exmple.