5 Oct 2020

Trump slammed for surprise drive-by while Covid-19 positive

From Checkpoint, 5:24 pm on 5 October 2020

A Covid-19-positive Donald Trump has drawn sharp criticism after surprising supporters outside the hospital where he is being treated with an impromptu presidential drive-by.

The 74-year-old masked president waved from the back of an SUV as his motorcade crawled down the street outside the Walter Reed Medical centre in Washington - raising concerns for his driver and security detail who were masked but in close quarters.

At least one of the hospital's doctors tweeted: "The irresponsibility is astounding" and said the staff involved should now go into quarantine for 14 days."

Before hitting the road the President took to his Twitter acount with a taster of what he was planning.

Since being diagnosed on Friday the President was transfered to hospital where he has been treated with oxygen, and also given a steroid used in severe Covid-19 cases, as well as the intravenous antiviral drug Remdesivir and an experimental antibody treatment from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

BBC's North America Editor Jon Sopel describes the strange saga to Lisa Owen.