7 Oct 2021

Pacific businesses showing signs of economic recovery

From , 6:02 am on 7 October 2021

Data from a rolling survey of Pacific businesses has returned some promising signs the region's economic recovery maybe gathering momentum.

The Pacific Business Monitor surveys were launched shortly after the start of the pandemic last year by the Pacific Trade Invest Network to keep track of how businesses in the region are faring.

Its latest edition indicates a much brighter future for small to medium enterprises compared to the same period last year with 52 percent of Pacific businesses surveyed now expecting a return to pre-COVID revenues by 2022 .

The network's New Zealand trade commissioner Glynis Miller joins me now....

Cranes dot the skyline in Papua New Guinea's bustling capital Port Moresby.

Cranes dot the skyline in Papua New Guinea's bustling capital Port Moresby. Photo: RNZ Pacific/ Koroi Hawkins