1 Aug 2019

Cooks moves to improve lot of foreign workers

From , 3:02 pm on 1 August 2019

The Cook Islands Government is making changes to immigration rules with the aim of improving the lot of foreign workers.

The booming Cooks economy has become increasingly dependent on the foreign workers but there have been some graphic examples of their mistreatment by employers.

Now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration is changing the rules around work permits in the hope this will provide the workers with greater protection.

One man who has been outspoken about the mistreatment of the workers is Te Tuhi Kelly.

He says he thinks the changes will sway some, but they might also encourage some employers to treat their workers worse.

Mr Kelly spoke with Don Wiseman who began asking him how many foreign workers are in the Cooks.

Cook Islands flag

Cook Islands flag Photo: RNZ/ Tim Glasgow