27 Aug 2018

NZ Treasury looks for Pasifika perspective

From , 5:03 am on 27 August 2018

New Zealand's Treasury is working to include a Pacific perspective on well-being and living standards in the country, in a move to be more inclusive.

The government's lead economic and financial advisor is developing what it calls a 'Living Standards Framework'.

It has a major focus on intergenerational well-being and can be used to weigh up different policy options.

It has just published a paper focussing on the Pacific perspective, as part of a series exploring the concept of well-being in different cultures.

Treasury's principal Pacific advisor Su'a Kevin Thomsen told Amelia Langford it has been travelling the country to hear from the Pacific community.

New research finds scholarships and persistence are paying off in efforts to get more women in the Pacific into senior government jobs.

 New Zealand's Treasury is working to include a Pacific perspective on well-being and living standards Photo: RNZI/Sally Round