16 Feb 2017

Sport: Samoa softballers could skip World Champs over funding

From , 6:00 am on 16 February 2017

Samoa is fighting an uphill battle to raise enough funds to compete at this year's World Softball Championships in Canada.

The Tanifa finished seventh at the 2013 World Championships in Auckland but failed to qualify for the 2015 event in Saskatoon.

They've just spent five days competing in the inaugural Challenge Cup in Auckland against five of the top eight ranked nations in the world.

But player-coach Duane Jerard told Vinnie Wylie they may be forced to sit out the upcoming World Championships in July.

Current Samoa player-coach Duane Jerard bats during the 2004 World Championships.

Current Samoa player-coach Duane Jerard bats during the 2004 World Championships. Photo: PHOTOSPORT