Tourism in some of the Pacific's small islands is set to be boosted by a growing awareness about online marketing.
With help from the European Union, small and medium-sized tourism operators in Tuvalu and Nauru were trained on social media as well as search engine optimisation last week.
The project manager of the South Pacific Tourism Organisation, Chris Cocker, says there's many ways to help smaller island states boost tourism, and the SPTO is collaborating with governments and other stakeholders.
He says from March the 18th to 20th there will be a meeting with national statisitcs offices, reserve banks, national tourism offices and other immigration offices to improve the way tourism statistics are collected.
"It's collaboration, educating them, and also reaching out to other sectors as well. In terms of tourism, in the Pacific, sectors work in a silo effect but there are key linkeages in this case."
Chris Cocker says in August there will be a regional training workshop for executive chefs, to share knowledge and encourage the use of local resources.