A dive shop owner in the Solomon Islands town of Gizo says his operation has not suffered any damage as more quakes shake the area.
Danny Kennedy of Adventure Sports says that he's felt twelve earthquakes in the last 36 hours.
He says locals were warned of potential earthquakes after the big earth quake which hit Gizo in 2007.
"There's no damage here in Gizo and we've had no tidal fall or rise of the water. Most of this is actually much further east of us. We had our big one back in April 2007 and geologists, they raised concern about the plate where all this activity is presently coming from which hadn't shifted at all during 2007 and they had been predicting for quite some time a major series of quakes and this is actually the effect of it now."
Danny Kennedy says the worst affected areas of Tetepare and Rendova from the quakes are isolated and not as highly populated.