21 Dec 2009

SPREP disappointed by Copenhagen deal

11:29 am on 21 December 2009

A spokesperson for the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme says Pacific countries are disappointed by the climate change deal brokered by the United States at the Copenhagen summit.

The deal is not legally binding and falls short of the demands of Pacific countries who say science indicates global temperatures need to be limited to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial times to ensure their survival.

Instead the deal offers a 2 degree target on temperatures, and promises only that the commitments countries make to cut greenhouse gas emissions will be scrutinised.

Espen Ronneberg from the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme says the Pacific is disappointed its message of 'two degrees is too much for too many' has not been heard.

"We have worked so hard over the last few years to come up with a legally binding agreement that would set in place the right sort of conditions that would safeguard the islands. What we are getting looks more like a political agreement to continue work."