11 Dec 2009

Fiji considers accepting climate change refugees

3:42 pm on 11 December 2009

Fiji says it will consider taking in climate change refugees from Tuvalu and Kiribati in the future.

Speaking from the United Nations conference in Copenhagen, Fiji's interim Foreign Minister, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola, said his country does not have a policy on the issue yet.

But he said those two countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change, and Fiji will consider assisting them if their situation worsens.

"Because we have historical ties with both these two countries, and also Fiji is the gateway to these two countries, to go to Tuvalu you have to come through Fiji, so as you can understand we have a number of ties. A number of Tuvaluans live in Fiji and also Kiribati people."

Ratu Inoke Kubuabola says Fiji supports Tuvalu's proposal for a strong legally binding agreement to be reached at Copenhagen, but says they have to be realistic as negotiations are still taking place.