The head of the New Methodist Church in Fiji says up to 20,000 people may attend next week's conference in Suva.
Pastor Atu Vulaono says the interim government has granted the church a permit to hold its crusade in the TFL national stadium from the 25th until the 30th of August.
This follows the interim regime's crackdown on the established Methodist Church, banning its annual conference, also scheduled for next week, and now its choir competition.
Pastor Vulaono says one of the conditions of the permit for next week's crusade, which he describes as the public proclamation of the gospel, is an attendance limit of 20,000.
"The condition is because we hold crusade every month, sometimes two or three in every month and that is for the last three years, the condition is the volume and there's no words of inciting like hatred speech it's just pure the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's the condition of our permit ever since we start this open air crusade."
Pastor Atu Vulaono of Fiji's New Methodist Church.