6 Aug 2009

Kiribati's Foreign Secretary highlights climate change concerns at Forum

6:12 am on 6 August 2009

The Pacific Island forum leaders are today expected to deliver a strong message on climate change and its impact on the region.

The leaders yesterday discussed the challenges of climate change, for island countries like Kiribati, which is made up of low-lying atolls, many no more than 2 metres above sea level, and what needs to be done globally.

The representative of Kiribati, Foreign secretary Tessie Lambourne, says she is confident Australia, as the new Forum chair, will be able to help countries like hers tell their story at international climate change discussions.

"I think in Copenhagen we are looking for practical and concrete solutions to help our people who may not be able to continue to live on the lands their ancestors have lived for a long, long time. This is an emotional issue for us but an issue that needs to be addressed."

Tessie Lambourne the foreign secretary of Kiribati.