8 Jun 2009

No US Congressional support found to delay implementation of next minimum wage hike in May 2010

3:44 pm on 8 June 2009

The American Samoan Governor, Togiola Tulafono, has told a cabinet meeting that the territory is not getting support from the US Congress for its request to delay the next minimum wage hike set for May 2010.

Togiola's request, which is supported by the American Samoa Chamber of Commerce and other groups, was made last month to senior Congressional members in Washington.

However, the Governor says American Samoa is not getting support from Congress as they believe the territory wants to keep wages low.

Togiola says staffers for two Congressmen he met are unwilling to consider American Samoa's request to delay or stop the mandated increases.

The minimum wage is set to rise to US$ 7.25 in two years.