28 Apr 2009

UN helps set up Pacific national human rights mechanisms

1:38 pm on 28 April 2009

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is this week helping Pacific Islands countries establish national human right mechanisms.

Along with the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions and the Pacific Islands Forum, it is holding a three-day workshop in Apia in Samoa.

The workshop aims to enhance the capacity of Pacific member states to establish national human rights mechanisms in line with the relevant international standards.

The participants will explore the value and significance of the Paris Principles and discuss national human rights institutions, their work, mandate and core functions.

National Human Rights Institutions from Australia, the Maldives, New Zealand, the Philippines and Timor Leste will share their experience of how such institutions can be established, and the crucial role they can play in advancing human rights norms and strengthening the rule of law in a country.