8 Apr 2009

French Polynesia reports say Temaru's majority may increase

10:48 am on 8 April 2009

Reports from French Polynesia say the political realignment under way will see the majority around President Oscar Temaru increase to 45 members in the 57-strong assembly.

Mr Temaru has again met the opposition's Gaston Tong Sang who says a deal is about to be finalised that will see the opposition join the government and replace the Tahoeraa Huiraatira Party of Gaston Flosse in the coalition.

Also set to join are the two assembly members who last year defected to Mr Tong Sang's side to oust the government, only weeks after it had been formed following an early general election.

The reports of the new coalition come as Tahoeraa is set to meet tonight to formulate its position amid demands that Mr Flosse's position within the party be weakened.

If the reported government re-shuffle is confirmed, it will be the first coalition between Mr Tong Sang's pro-autonomy To Tatou Aia coalition and the pro-independence Union For Democracy.