3 Apr 2009

RAMSI police say problems during time of riots now solved

2:48 pm on 3 April 2009

A spokesperson for the RAMSI police force in Solomon Islands says policing problems highlighted in a Commission of Inquiry Report on the riots in Honiara in 2006 have been rectified.

The report points to confusion between RAMSI and the Solomon Islands Police Force as to who was in control at Parliament on the morning of the riots.

It says because the police forces lost the initiative, it took two days to stop the rioting which caused 23 and a half million dollars worth of damage.

But the Assistant Commissioner Denis McDermott, Commander of the Participating Police Force in RAMSI, maintains his officers acted professionally and properly in discharging their responsibility.

And he says the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has improved its capacity to deal with riots, has more trained officers and equipment, and has developed a call out system.

"I'm confident that the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force could stand up and deal with most situations. They still have a way to go but it will take , I don't know how long it will take. It might take a couple more years, it might take four more years, I don't know."