Eight soldiers and a policeman in Fiji have been sentenced to four years and four months of prison for the manslaughter and assault of Sakiusa Rabaka.
The nine men were found guilty of manslaughter and five counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm last week.
The 19-year old Mr Rabaka died in February 2007, a month after he and a group of friends were assaulted while in military custody.
Fijivillage reports the High Court judge, Justice Daniel Goundar, ruled today that the sentence is to be served concurrently.
While passing the sentence, Justice Gounder said it does not matter who struck the fatal blow, as the offences were committed jointly.
Sentenced are Patrick Nayacalagilagi, Taione Lua, Ulaiasi Radike, Etonia Nadura, Ratunaisa Toutou, Joeli Lesavua, Jona Nareki, Ilaisa Kurimavua, and Napolioni Naulia.