5 Feb 2009

Samoan company looks at manufacturing flour locally

9:16 am on 5 February 2009

A company looking into manufacturing flour locally in Samoa is hoping to get its first product on shelves by the end of the year.

Papali'i Grant Percival, the managing Director of Natural Foods International Limited, says he wants to ensure the flour meets quality standards and that it is a sustainable operation.

He says a New Zealand company has agreed to testing his product to make snack foods, and production of the flour is still in the initial stages.

He says getting farmers on board and ensuring perfect technique is crucial to its success, as will focusing on a quality gluten free product, rather than quantity.

"Well I want to first of all make sure the process that has been developed for us will be workable, and would be workable for a range of products. Nutrient content in a lot of the tropical products we have like taro, breadfruit, cassavas and yams, are quite high. There's a good mixture of nutrients in them and what I wanted to do was to try and see if we could develop a product that could utilize these to develop a range of snackfoods that would be unique."

The managing Director of Natural Foods International Limited in Samoa, Papali'i Grant Percival