The Fiji interim government Minister of Primary Industries, Joketani Cokanasiga has reassured farmers that his administration is adamant in its promises to revitalizes the rice industry in Fiji.
Mr Cokanasiga was chief guest at the National Rice Day Celebrations in
Tokotoko in Navua yesterday, and told farmers that Government through the assistance of the Indonesian Government is committed to revitalizing
rice cultivation in Fiji.
He says with assistance from our international friends Fiji has increased domestic production both of traditional and new improved varieties
The Minister says Indonesia has in particular helped training and provided ten walk behind tractors.
Mr Cokanasiga says one major area for rice cultivation is Dreketi where
Stage one is now almost completed while Stage two is the subject of intense activity and Stage three is beginning to receive farmers attention.
And he says in the north, other rain fed areas have opened with new plantings in Bua and Cakaudrove.
Production is expected to nearly double by this time next year.