22 Oct 2008

Flosse's Senate seat challenged by losing French Polynesian rivals

1:48 pm on 22 October 2008

Reports from French Polynesia say a further appeal has been lodged in Paris against last month's re-election of Gaston Flosse as the territory's member of the French senate.

According to the Depeche de Tahiti newspaper, a complaint has been lodged by the losing candidates, Beatrice Vernaudon and Gaston Tong Sang, who is the president of the local administration.

In the case brought in the supreme court in Paris, the two reportedly objected to the way the vote was organised and took exception at a speech Mr Flosse gave in the assembly before the vote.

He was elected on a ticket with Richard Tuheiava.

The senators' election was done by a college of selected voters made up of assembly members, mayors and municipal council members.