A history teacher in American Samoa says he supports a resolution on the teaching of the subject that's now before the U.S. Senate, but says it needs to be fully resourced.
The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a resolution urging US educators to include the insular areas when they teach American history.
It says people from Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas have contributed to many aspects of US history and culture, yet many American students don't know their historical significance.
American Samoa's Community College, Daniel Aga, who's been teaching history for over 20 years, says it is vital students learn the complete American history.
"History of insular areas still hasn't been told in a balanced and complete way. As far as Congress mandating a programme like that, Im not sure how that is going to work unless they can also provide some resources to make this happen in the way of by training teachers, developing learning resources and setting clear objectives."
American Samoa's Community College Daniel Aga
The matter is now before the U.S. Senate to consider.