The regional assistance mission to the Solomon Islands says its exit strategy has to be based on when it has completed its tasks, not on an arbitrary deadline.
The report, commissioned by AidWatch, finds that the billion dollar operation has triggered inflation, and says RAMSI has focussed on state-building and governance issues, which was not its original purpose
The assistant special coordinator for RAMSI, Mataiasi Lomaloma, denies the inflation claim.
"RAMSI is not the only contributing factor to the inflation. I think that if you look at the economy as a whole since RAMSI came into being in the Solomon Islands the economy has grown 5 percent or more annually. The fact that RAMSI is here is actually generating employment amongst the locals so we are not taking anything from the locals."
Mataiasi Lomaloma says RAMSI has a good relationship with both the Government, and the people, of Solomon Islands.