A long awaited bill has been sent to the Fono in Ameircan Samoa to establish the American Samoa Visitors Bureau.
At present the Tourism Office is a division of the Department of Commerce.
The proposed visitor's Bureau would be a semi independent agency of the government and would be the leading entity for the promotion of the territory as a tourist destination.
It would he headed by an executive director to be selected by the American Samoa Visitors Bureau Board.
The board will comprise seven members nominated by the governor and confirmed by the Fono.
Two members will be from ASG, one from the National Park Service and the rest will be from the private sector.
At a date to be fixed by the governor, the Office of Tourism will be dissolved.
At that time all current staff of the Tourism Office will remain with the Department of Commerce unless acquired by the Bureau.
Funds appropriated for the Tourism Office which are unspent at the time the office is dissolved shall be transferred to the bureau.
If the bill is passed by the Fono, it takes effect 90 days after it is approved by the governor .