Nauru's Parliamentary Speaker says he doesn't know how long the government can go on boycotting parliamentary sittings that are now effectively controlled by the opposition.
David Adeang says this follows the now two month absence of President Rene Harris and the minister of finance, Kenza Clodumar,who are in Melbourne.
Mr Adeang says they should return to Nauru because there are urgent financial matters that need sorting out.
He says two appropriation bills need to be passed by June 30th, or the government will be in dire straits.
"There'll be in a situation unprecedented in Nauru, where at the end of the financial year, they have neither sought the approval of parliament to access treasury funds over the last 12 months, but they'll be responsible to the constitution to table also the next appropriation bill for the forthcoming financial year. But that means they have 2 appropriation bills to be passed before the end of June, but that will be difficult with them avoiding parliament at all costs."
David Adeang.