4 Sep 2002

Solomons disarmament process extended to Western Province

6:25 pm on 4 September 2002

The disarmament process in Solomon Islands has been extended to the Western Province where there have recently been a number of gun incidents, resulting in a number of people being killed.

George Atkin reports...

"Anglican churches Melanesian Brothers who have been helping with the disarmanent process have been sent to the Western Province from Honiara to explain the nature of the mission to their members based there, but the number of guns the brothers are expected to collect from the Western Province is not immediately known. The Melanesian Brothers and Police have already destroyed at sea thousands of weapons collected from Malaita, Guadalcanal and Honiara before the guns amnesty period lapsed on May 31st. Since then the Police have been running radio programmes which call on people still holding onto illegal weapons to return them to the Melanesian Brothers."