5 Jun 2002

Solomon Islands Council of Trade Unions objects to ex pats in government posts

3:35 pm on 5 June 2002

The Solomon Islands Council of Trade Unions is calling on the government not to replace local civil servants with ex- pat consultants.

The Council has issued a 28 day strike notice over plans to appoint two consultants from overseas into the posts of Permanent Secretary to the Ministries of Finance and Cabinet.

The President of the Council of Trade Unions, Clement Waiwori, says he does not know why ex pats are to be appointed to jobs currently done by Solomon Islanders:

"Once politicians start to employ consultants on line posts then they would be setting a very bad precendent and this might end up that a lot of Permanent Secretary posts end up be taken over by consultants on the advice of politicans who will not be considering the interests of the nation"

Mr Waiwori understands the consultants were coming to the end of work on a donor funded project