3 Jun 2002

Solomon's MP says Keke ready to reconcile

5:15 pm on 3 June 2002

Solomon Islands MP Y Sato says that the hardline rebel leader Harold Keke is starting to soften his position.

Mr Keke leads the Guadalcanal Liberation Front which has never agreed to end hostilities, and has refused to support the terms of the Townsville Peace Agreement.

But Mr Sato, the government's emissary, met Mr Keke last week and says they achieved a breakthrough.

He says Mr Keke had earlier requested compensation, while the Government had wanted him to disarm.

Mr Sato says before these issues can be tackled the Liberation Front needs to reconcile with the Malaitan Eagle Force and Mr Keke told him he is willing to meet with them.

"We cannot do everything at once you know in this hard situation, but Harold Keke anyway he has started melting,....he understands the situation of the country, and we need processing at the moment, a reconciliation."

Y Sato.