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Upbeat for Friday 14 July 2017
Young People’s Guide to the Orchestra
1:40 PM.NZSO National Youth Orchestra Composers-in-Residence Celeste Oram and Reuben Jelleyman will have their commissioned works played by the NZSO Youth Orchestra tonight in Wellington and tomorrow in… Read more Audio
Young and Hungry
1:20 PM.Dunedin playwright and writing mentor Emily Duncan likes to go to dark places. For her PhD in Theatre Studies thesis she wrote a play about a former tuberculosis sanatorium and borstal in Otago. Most… Read more Audio
Orchestra Wellington fundraise for fellow musician
1:00 PM.The orchestra is like a family, and when a family member is unwell everyone wants to help. Violinist Slava Fainitski has been a member of Orchestra Wellington for over 25 years. He recently had a… Read more Audio