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Adam Chamber Music Festival - Love Triangle

Clara Schumann

Clara Schumann Photo: Public Domain

Clara Schumann described the young Brahms’ music as “so masterly that one cannot but think that the good God sent him into the world ready-made.” And Robert Schumann was equally enthusiastic, citing Brahms as “springing forth like Minerva fully armed from the head of Jove”. Clara’s 3 whimsical Romances begin this concert, followed by Robert’s compelling settings of Heine’s poems of “Poet’s Love” and ending with Brahms’ powerful piano quintet, originally for string quintet but revised upon his beloved Clara’s recommendation.


C SCHUMANN: Three Romances Op 22

SCHUMANN: Dichterliebe Op 48

BRAHMS: Piano Quintet in F minor Op 34

Helene Pohl (violin), Dénes Várjon (piano), Andrew Goodwin (tenor), Izabella Simon (piano), New Zealand String Quartet

Recorded at the Theatre Royal, Nelson 9 Feb 2017 by RNZ Concert

GERSHWIN: Piano Prelude No 1:GERSHWIN arr Knight: I Got Rhythm - Septura ( 2019)

DEBUSSY: Images for Orchestra - Auckland Phil/Hans Graf