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Wellington Jazz Festival 2017: Secret Islands Quintet

8:00 Wellington Jazz Festival 2017: Secret Islands Quintet

Wellington Jazz Festival 2017, Secret Islands Quintet at St Peter's Church, Wellington, NZ. 10 June 2017

Wellington Jazz Festival 2017, Secret Islands Quintet at St Peter's Church, Wellington, NZ. 10 June 2017 Photo: ©Stephen A'Court Photography

Secret Islands Quintet's soulful sound assimilates the North American jazz tradition into an Aotearoa New Zealand context.

Jim Langabeer (tenor sax, flute and taonga puoro), Roger Manins (alto sax), Chris O'Connor (drums and percussion), Rosie Langabeer (piano) and Paul Dyne (double bass) in concert at the 2017 Wellington Jazz Festival

Recorded at St Peter's, Wellington by RNZ