23 Jul 2019

Probiotics. Finding the best good bacteria

From Nine To Noon, 9:41 am on 23 July 2019
Beneficial Gut Bacteria

Beneficial Gut Bacteria Photo: Flickr

Probiotics have a number of reported health benefits ranging from improvement of gut health and function, to immune support, but according to some New Zealand researchers clinical trials need to be tightened up to make sure we can rely on their results. Gemma Laws is an assistant research fellow at the University of Otago who also used to work for a New Zealand company that develops probiotics.  She suggests standardising clinical trials and product labeling to make it easier to understand the possible benefits. She'd also like to see an on-line clinical guide to the probiotic products available in New Zealand similar to AEProbio in the US.

Gemma speaks with Kathryn Ryan